Mono Bouquet
Flower bouquet of 17 peony spray roses
Elegance in bloom! This bouquet of 17 Juliet spray garden roses features soft peachy-pink hues and delicate petals, making it perfect for any special occasion. Whether it's a wedding, anniversary, or thoughtful gift, these roses add timeless beauty and charm to any setting.AED 560Flower bouquet of 35 pink roses
A beautiful bouquet of 35 roses paired with fresh eucalyptus, creating a perfect blend of vibrant colors and soothing greenery. Ideal for any special occasion, it adds a touch of elegance and freshness to any space.AED 480Flower bouquet of 5 hydrangeas
A lovely bouquet of 5 assorted hydrangeas, showcasing a beautiful mix of colors. Perfect for adding a touch of elegance and charm to any occasion or space.AED 375Flower bouquet of 25 peony spray roses
A stunning bouquet of 25 Silva Pink peony roses paired with fresh eucalyptus. This elegant arrangement combines soft pink hues with the refreshing green of eucalyptus, making it perfect for any special occasion.AED 760Flower bouquet of 15 pink roses
A simple yet elegant bouquet of 15 pink roses. Their soft, delicate color makes this arrangement perfect for any occasion, adding a touch of beauty and grace.AED 250
Flower Box
Flower box "Royal" with roses
A charming floral box featuring roses in a French style, complemented by fresh eucalyptus. This elegant arrangement brings a touch of sophistication and romance, perfect for any special occasion.AED 340Flower box "Aliyah RED" with roses and peony roses
A gorgeous bouquet in a box, featuring a mix of stunning flowers, elegantly arranged for a refined and modern touch. Perfect for gifting on any special occasion.AED 470Flower bag
A charming floral bag filled with an assortment of beautiful flowers. This unique arrangement adds a stylish and playful touch to any occasion.AED 150
Best Seller
Flower bouquet Enchantment with rose and peony rose
A beautiful bouquet featuring pink roses, Juliet peony roses, and fresh eucalyptus. This elegant combination offers a romantic and sophisticated touch, perfect for any special occasion.AED 340Flower bouquet Infinity with hydrangeas and peony roses
A stunning bouquet of hydrangeas and Juliet peony roses, complemented by fresh eucalyptus. This elegant arrangement blends softness and sophistication, perfect for any special occasion.AED 495Flower bouquet Pink Sand with hydrangea and peony roses
A beautiful mixed bouquet featuring hydrangeas, Silva Pink peony roses, lisianthus roses, and fresh eucalyptus. This elegant combination creates a sophisticated and romantic arrangement, perfect for any occasion.AED 560Flower bouquet "Sun in clouds" with lisianthus and peony roses
A charming bouquet of Juliet peony roses, lisianthus, and carnations, complemented by fresh eucalyptus. This elegant combination brings a romantic and timeless feel, perfect for any special occasion.AED 520